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Spatial planning at the macro and micro levels: Problems of taxonomy and polarization (on the example of the Volga-Ural macroregion)

The issue of spatial planning includes the subject of taxonomy. It seems that it is necessary to switch to the practice of planning, in addition to the meso-level (subject of the Russian Federation), at two taxonomic levels: the macroregion and the economic microdistrict. To do this, the article identifies the main properties of these formations. On the example of the Volga-Ural macroregion the properties of integrity, complementarity and connectivity are analyzed. The idea of using micro-level nodal districts (economic micro-districts) is substantiated as objects of spatial planning.

Cartographic support of tourist activities (map of the weekend route “Saratov in the movie” as an example)

The article provides an overview of the main types and features of cartographic support for the needs of tourists and tourist activities. An example of a modern thematic route is presented, as well as options for the compilation and layout of a tourist booklet. The research is aimed at popularizing regional tourism and attracting the attention of guests and residents of Saratov to non-traditional cultural and educational routes.

Geological assessing artificial water bodies of the influence zone of metallurgical plants

On the basis of the results interpretation of hydrochemical indicators change dynamics and the application of bioindication method by phytoplankton communities the geoecological state of two artificial reservoirs located in the zones of influence of metallurgical works objects and tested rehabilitation by introducing two strains of algae chlorella: the Matyrsky reservoir (Chlorella vulgaris ИФР No. C-111) and Balandinsky pond (Chlorella kessleri ВКПМ A1-11 ARW) is given. The positive role of using the method of correction of algocenosis is shown.

The use of Earth remote sensing data in the study of mountain glaciers (on the example of the Alibek glacier in Karachay-Cherkessia)

The article presents the results of studying the dynamics of changes in the Alibek glacier according to space images of different years. Methods for processing remote sensing data (ERS) of the Earth to determine the structural elements of the glacial surface are considered. The obtained data are compared with ground meteorological parameters.

The current state of dust content in the atmospheric air of Yerevan

This article discusses the state of atmospheric air. Based on the results of the analysis, an assessment of its pollution levels in the city of Yerevan was carried out. It is shown that the concentration of dust in the atmospheric air has a well-defined annual course. The maximum values of dust concentration are typical for the warm period of the year. The greatest proportion of air pollution is observed in the administrative district of Kentron, the excess of dust content in relation to MPC. 

Demographic development of the Volga-Ural macroregion as a determinant of social development

The formation and development of agglomeration zones in the Volga-Ural macroregion should contribute to the preservation and development of the demographic resource. Economic and social changes during the development of the agglomeration are likely to help the formation of the migration attractiveness of the territory.

Mineral composition and pollutant content in the bed load of watercourses on the territory of the city of Volsk

The article deals with the studies of the bed load of watercourses on the territory of the city of Volsk (Saratov region). The research shows that quartz to be the most widespread rock-forming mineral. As the proportion of quartz decreases, the calcite content increases. Ecologicalgeochemical state of the bed load in spring worsens as compared to summer due to the arrival of pollutants with melting snow from the urban watershed. The bed load with a high content of pollutants should be considered as an object of accumulated environmental damage.

The effect of changes in cosmic ray flux on general atmospheric circulation

A comparison of average daily values time series of the axial component of the global wind angular moment and galactic cosmic ray (GCR) flux was made. Using the superposed epoch method it is shown that the Forbush decreases of the GCR flux are accompanied by an increase in the average angular velocity of atmospheric circulation and, accordingly, by an increase in the zonal transfer.

Estimation of frequency response of the global temperature to change in radiative forcing

The Earth’s climate system (ECS) is considered as a linear system whose input is a change in the solar constant ΔI( t) and the output is an anomaly of the globally averaged surface temperature ΔT( t). The system input can be affected by other factors, and at the output their own temperature fluctuations and a random noise manifest themselves. All these factors are assumed to be independent of ΔI( t). The spectral analysis of monthly mean values of ΔI( t) and ΔT( t) shows the existence of statistically significant coherence.

Dust load on ground air and street roads in the central (historical) part of Saratov

The article presents the results of atmochemical and lithochemical analysis of dust particles in the surface air layer and dust estimates along road curbs in the main types of urban landscape areas in the central part of Saratov.

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on alcohol consumption in Russia (territorial aspect)

The analysis of changes in alcohol consumption by the population of Russia for the period from January 2019 to December 2020 in the context of the development of the COVID-19 pandemic was made. The main psychological and social reasons for the increase in the amount and frequency of alcohol consumption during this period are considered, and a discrepancy between the annual dynamics of alcoholic beverages sales and the development of the epidemic is revealed.

Demographic situation in Saratov region (2010–2021)

The analysis of the current demographic situation is relevant since both demographic and migration growth are negative in the region. This article analyzes the main indicators of the demographic development of the region in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic against the background of previous years.

Сравнительный медикогеографический анализ распространенности базальноклеточного рака кожи в Саратове

In the article, in a comparative analysis, for the periods from 1991 to 1998, 2015 and 2022, the issues of the territorial prevalence of basal cell skin cancer in Saratov are considered. The residential areas of patients were studied and mapped taking into account risk factors. The result of the study was an oncoecological analysis of urban landscape sites and the creation of a scheme for the active search for early forms of skin cancer.

Study of transport infrastructure on the example of assessing the frequency of one of the popular tram routes in Saratov

The paper presents a study of the transport infrastructure of the city with the main focus on public transport, in particular the tram. A sociological study was conducted that revealed the preferences of citizens in choosing the type of public transport, and the frequency of the actual movement and its correspondence with the data of a popular mobile application were also assessed.

Characterizing the temperature and humidity regime of the Left Bank of the Saratov region against the background of the second wave of global warming

The article considers the temperature and humidity regime of the Left Bank of the Saratov region in various natural climatic periods of the state of the earth’s climate system – the first wave of global warming, stabilization, the second wave of global warming. It is noted that against the background of rising temperatures from one climatic period to another in the Trans-Volga region, the amount of precipitation in the cold half of the year increases. The trend in precipitation during the warm period is ambiguous.

Peculiarities of the temperature and humidity regime of the Right Bank of the Saratov region against the background of global climate trends

The temperature and humidity regime of the Right Bank is considered according to the data of four weather stations in three natural climatic periods – stabilization, the first and second waves of global warming. There is an increase in the rate of warming from one natural climatic period to another. Against the background of a progressive rise in temperatures, there is an increase in the amount of precipitation in the cold half of the year and its decrease in the warm one.

Application of time series models for forecasting the global temperature anomalies

Spectral analysis of the time series for average annual values of the globally averaged surface temperature anomaly shows the presence of harmonics of the lunar nodal cycle with a period of 18.6 years, which can be used to predict the values of the series. Three models of the series were considered: autoregression AR(p), combined model of autoregression – integrated moving average ARIMA(p,d,q) and artificial neural network. It is shown that the ARIMA(4,1,4) model gives the best results for predicting the global temperature anomaly for three years.

Study of spatial distribution of elements in the system “water – bottom sediments” of the Uzynbulak creek of the Semipalatinsk test site

The results of studying the features of the spatial distribution of macro- and microelements in the “water – bottom sediments” system in the channel of the Uzynbulak creek (“Degelen” site of the Semipalatinsk test site, Kazakhstan) are presented. The studies were carried out in the summer of 2015. As a result of the study of the chemical composition in surface waters and bottom sediments of the Uzynbulak creek, the content of Li, Be, Na, Mg, K, Ca, V, Ni, Mo, Fe, Sr, Al, Zn, Ba, La, Ce, U was revealed.

Zoning of the Russian steppe belt territory according to the level of socio-economic development

The study is comprehensive and describes the socio-economic zoning of the Russian steppe beltterritory. The method of zoning of the Russian steppe beltterritory is developed on the basis of the studied experience by scientists. The obtained results revealed a high degree of differentiation of the steppe zone of Russia by the level of socio-economic development.

Geoportals as a tool for access to cloud storage of metageosystems data

The article is devoted to solving the scientific problem of spatial data storage management using geoportal systems on the basis of solving the scientific problem of analyzing the patterns of spatiotemporal organization of complex dynamic hierarchically organized metageosystems. The paper proves that the problem of integrating large arrays of spatial information in spatial data infrastructures (SDIs) can be solved by designing multi-model storages operating on the basis of database management systems of different classes.
