Molochko Anna Vyacheslavovna
RussiaSaratovSaratov State University, 83, Astrakhanskaya Str., Saratov, 410012, RussiaHead of DepartmentCandidate of Geographic
Author's articles
- Possibilities of Modern Interactive Educational Technologies Using in Higher Professional Education (with Geoinformatics as an Example)
- Regional Features of Geoecological Risks (with Saratov Region’ Oilfields as an Example)
- Territorial Planning Schemes as a Basis for Sustainable Development Indexes Creation
- The Possibilities of GIS Technologies in Addressing the Problem of Optimizing Route of Gas Main (with Petrovskiy District of Saratov Region as an Example)
- Geoecological Risk-Analysis of Protected Areas Network (with Volskiy Municipal District of Saratov Region as an Example)
- Imitating Modeling of Emergency Situation Risk During Accident on Model Part of Gas Main (with Petrovskiy District of Saratov Region as an Example) with GIS Technologies Application
- Methodic of Stereoscopic Terrain Model Creation Based on a Single Satellite (Space) Imagery by Means of Lens Raster
- Principles of Complex Mathematical and Cartographical Models Creation (with Areal Anamorphoses, Characterized Social Characteristics of Sovetskiy Municipal District of Saratov Region as an Example)
- Possibilities of GIS-technologies and Cartographical Visualization Using for Solving the Problems of Solid Waste Utilization in the Saratov Region
- GIS Technologies as a Tool of Regional Features of Geoeclogical Risks Identification and Geoecological Monitoring Organization (Saratov Region as an example)
- The Experience of non-standard Form on Monitoring Students-Geoinformatics’ educational Progress Implementation (with a Complex Using of Coaching-technology, Scribing-technology and Business Game as an example)
- Organization of Scientific and Creative Extracurricular Activities (with Geographical Faculty of Saratov State University as an Example)
- The Issue of Problem Aspects of Development and Implementation Land Use and Development Rules of Saratov Region’ Settlements
- To the Issue of Systematization and Designing Areal Anamorphic Geoimages
- The Possibility of GIS Technologies using for internal University educational Risk Overcoming (with Geography Faculty of Saratov State University as an Example)
- Agroecological Monitoring of Irrigated Agro-landscapes of Saratov Zavolzhie’ South-East
- Agro-economic Substantiation of Involving the Unusable Arable Land in Agricultural Production
- Possibilities of Geomarketing to Determine the Optimal Location of the Banking Department (with the Branch Network of Sberbank, Saratov as an Example)
- Fire situation Modeling within Oil-Gathering Stations Using Geoinformation Technologies
- Regionalization of Saratov Region commercial Oil Production Region according the Territory resistance of Oil Pollution with GIS Supporting
- Geoecological Risks’ geoinformational Mapping of oil-fields Exploitation (Saratov Region as an Example)
- The Assessment of the Development of Intercity Bus Service in the Saratov Region
- Monitoring of Degradation Processes on Slope Agrolandscapes of Povolzhie Region
- Cartographic support of tourist activities (map of the weekend route “Saratov in the movie” as an example)
- Study of transport infrastructure on the example of assessing the frequency of one of the popular tram routes in Saratov
- Internet as an element of modern social infrastructure: Sociological and territorial aspects