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Some Results of Landscape-ecological Researches on Тerritory Hvalynsky National Park

In article modern problems of the organization of scientific work in Hvalynsky national park are stated. The program of landscapeecological researches in Park is considered. Some results of landscapegeochemical works and snow shootings in the central part of Park are proofs. Prospects of the further researches with application of GIS-technologies are studed. 

Influence of Spring Provision of Productive Moisture in Soil and Precipitation on Cereal’s Crop Productivity in Arid Black Earth Steppe

Analysis of many years’ data lets to determine correlation of the cereal’s crop capacity with spring provision of productive moisture in soil and the precipitations quantity in different periods of the cereal’s growth and development.

Geoinformational Mapping of Medico-ecological Situation in Large industrial City (by the Example of Balakovo City)

Present paper is devoted to a problem of the analysis of medicoecological situation in large industrial city (by the example of Balakovo city of Saratov region). An object of such investigation is, first of all, the studying of correlation between pollution of the environment in the city and morbidity of citizens. In the current paper the GIS-method and some intermediate results of the analysis of medico-ecological situation in Balakovo are presented. Some features of input data processing are considered.

Agrometeorological Forecasts of the Quality of Winter and Spring Wheat in Saratov Region

The forecast of the spring wheat quality is represented in this work. The forecast is composed on the grounds of correlation of the amount of protein in cereal with mean monthly air temperature in June. The equation derived by the authors lets to estimate the cereal’s quality in monthly advance. The forecast of the quality of the new harvest cereal composed in advance has an important meaning in organization of cereal provision. 

Modern Regional Ecological Politics of Astrakhan Area

In clause strategy of nature protection activity of the state and public bodies of the Astrakhan area is considered. As the main task necessity of creation of an ecological skeleton of territory of area is put forward. Ways of the decision of the specified problem are in detail considered.

Use of Business Games in training of teachers of Geography

In this article the author’s three-year experience of carrying out business games applied in training of students of geographical department for extracurricular work on geography is summarized. The objectives and basic stages of carrying out business games are stated. Short methodological recommendations are given to each stage. The results of the carried out work are reviewed. 

Dinamic of the snow Cover and soil Frozening in Condichions of Modern Climate Chahge at saratov as Example

On the base of daily data the dinamic of snow cover height and soil frozening depth on meteorological station Saratov Yu V for 1976–2005 period was examined. The calculated trends equations make it clear that height of snow cover and depth of soil frozening are going down. Also, the dates of snow cover formation and coming off are displaced to more earlier dates, and the beginning of soil frozening – to more late period of time. 

Experience of an Aesthetic Estimation of saratov’s Relief Allure

This article is devoted to problems of modern techniques of aesthetic landscapes objective appraisal. Such experience is shown according to example of Saratov. The base for an estimation are concepts «a morphological landscape» and «a morphological scenery».  

Dangerous Processes of Modern Geomorphogenesis in saratov Volga Region

The more dangerous processes of modern geomorphogenesis of the territory of Saratov Volga region have been considered: linear erosion, plane wash-away, deflusion, landslide and reforming of Volgograd and Saratov coast reservoirs. 

To the Question of Long-range Forecast of Weather Elements Development During a Month

The work presents the results of the elaborating of the regional system of long-range forecast of the weather character’s changing during a month, exactly on the days with sudden changes of average day-night air temperature and precipitation with the concretization of the falling date for the Saratov region. The sort of forecasting production and justification of the given way of the long-range forecast of weather elements’ development during a month are thoroughly shown. 

Change of Ethnic Composition of the Population of the Region, and tolerance of the students of the saratov state University

In the article change of the ethnic composition of the popularity of the Saratov region at the period from 1989 to 2002 are considering. The author shows as the role of the ethnic migration in given changes. In the region a number of people from the Caucasuc and Central Asia are growing. It is revealed, that: students are rather tolerant to emigrants; they are worried about the competition for job vacancy; conflict at the cultural ground is possible; they worried about demographical situation in the Russian Federation and its emigration policy. 

Studying of Natural and Technogenic Geoecological Risks of the City Saratov

The concept of geoecological risk, its kinds is considered in article. The characteristic of natural-technogenic processes and display of factors of natural and technogenic risks is resulted. The opportunity of division into districts of territory of city on degree of display of risk is proved in article. 

Landscape Areas and Zones in the Works of A.n. Krasnov

The article is focused on the works of one of the most outstanding Russian geobotanics, A.N. Krasnov. A special attention is paid to one of his most interesting ideas concerning the so-called geographical combinations, which influenced dramatically the further development of the studies of geographical landscape and zone. The authors of the article analyze the main works of A.N. Krasnov devoted to the describing and characterization of landscape areas and zones, not only of Russia, but of the entire world.

The Regional Particularities of the Population natural Movement of the saratov Region for the Past 15 Year

The article is about the demographic situation of the Saratov region. The birthrate, the deathrate and the natural increase of the population of the districts, towns and the region in whole are considered, the causes conducive to its and the possible results are analyzed. There are many statistical data of the 1989, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2002, 2003 years. 

Geoinformation Systems as the Tool of Creation of Ground Information Systems

The concept of ground-information systems is opened and their structure is considered in article. Communication between geoinformation systems and ground-information systems is proved. Modern directions ground–information systems are resulted within the framework of geoinformation systems.

Changes in the Insolation, caused by the Moon

The power spectrum of time series of the incoming to the Earth irradiance flux of the Sun under the assumption of the invariability of its luminosity in the time interval from 1700 through 2000 is analyzed in the region of frequencies, connected with the motion of the Moon. In the power spectrum of insolation, together with the basic peak with the period of synodic month 29d .53, are manifested also the peaks corresponding to the combination frequencies of this month with the harmonics of the annual period of the Earth.

Environmental Disturbance of Ground Water Natural Circulation Mode

Based on multi-year data about the changes in the ground water level a statistical criterion for the variability of ground water natural circulation mode in the urban lands in offered in this article. It is expedient to use the suggested value of environmental disturbance for making an inundation map of level environmental disturbance when simulating the land potential ground water inundation (waterlog).

Experience of Creating GIS System at Geographical Faculty of the Saratov State University

There are many years results working of creating multi-thematic and task-level geoinformatical system (GIS) in this article. GIS were created in researchable laboratories of urboecology and regional analysis, geoinformatics and thematic mapping of geographical faculty of the Saratov State University. Structure and subjects of integrated municipal GIS, specify urbanecologycal GIS and special national park management GIS are carefully studied.

Peculiarities of Precipitation at Various Changes of Average Daily Air Temperature

The question of connection between various of intensity sudden changes of average daily air temperature and precipitation is considered. It is supposed to use the found dependence for specification of forecasts of average daily air temperature within a month for the territory of Saratov region.

History of Studying of Water-Meadow Landscapes of the Volga River in Saratov Area

Article is devoted to a history of studying of water-meadow landscapes of the Volga river in Saratov area. Various stages in research of the river are viewed here. There is made an attempt of selection of the information, touching a problem from the landscape-ecological point of view. The main attention in the article is given to applied researches, the character of their realization, purposes of scientists who were engaged in studying of the Volga during different years.
