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Dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the publication of V. P. Filosofov’s book "Fundamentals of the Morphometric Method of Tectonic Structures Prospecting"

Dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the publication of V. P. Filosofov’s book "Fundamentals of the Morphometric Method of Tectonic Structures Prospecting"

In the Memory of Professor and Friend Konstantin Alekseevich Mavrin

In the Memory of Professor and Friend Konstantin Alekseevich Mavrin

In memory of Galina Aleksandrovna Puzhlyakova

In memory of Galina Aleksandrovna Puzhlyakova.

Academician F.P. Savarensky at the University of Saratov *

In connection with the centenary of the Saratov State University. N.G. Chernyshevsky, we remember those wonderful scientists who were at the forefront of scientific schools and areas that have developed within its walls. Among them was the largest domestic geologist Fedor Petrovich Savarensky, the founder of the schools of hydrogeology and engineering geology in the Soviet Union.

Elizaveta Vsevolodovna Mironova (on the ninetieth birthday)

Elizaveta Vsevolodovna Mironova was born on September 20, 1920 in the Tambov region. Her childhood was spent in Sosnovsky forestry. His father, Vsevolod Alexandrovich Petain, had two higher educations and owned, besides Russian, Ukrainian, German, English and French. Mother, Claudia Vasilyevna Dobritskaya, was from the clergy, she graduated from the Institute of Noble Maidens.

A.N. Chumachenko - 50 years

On October 24, 2010, Dean of the Faculty of Geography Alexei Nikolaevich Chumachenko celebrated his 50th anniversary. Half a century of life, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor A.N. Chumachenko meets full of vital energy, in the bloom of creative power.

70th Anniversary of Vitaliy Nikolaevich Eremin

The article is dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Vitaly Nikolaevich Eremin, head of the Department of General Geology and Minerals of SSU.

Eminent Phanerozoic Biosystematist: in Memory of Paleontologist and Geoecologist Professor Maxim G. Minikh (1942–2019)

This paper presents a brief biography of the Professor Maxim G. Minich, a Soviet and Russian specialist in fossil fish and stratigraphy of the Permian and Triassic of the Russian Plate and the Cis-Uralian peripheral depression. He was a brilliant representative of the middle generation of the Saratov school of vertebrate researchers, the head of the Department of Biostratigraphy and Paleontology at the Scientific Research Geological Institute of Saratov State University and latterly its Director. He was an honorary member of the All-Russian Paleontological Society.

Elizaveta Vsevolodovna Mironova (on the centenary of the birth)

The article is dedicated to the centenary of the birth of Elizaveta Vsevolodovna Mironova.

Some little-known facts of the professional activity of Rudolf Eduardovich David. To the 135th anniversary of the birth

The article is dedicatedtothe 135th anniversary of Rudolf Eduardovich David, an outstanding Russian scientist, academician ofthe Lenin All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences, who was at the origins of the organization and development of meteorology and agrometeorology in the Lower Volga region. The main stages of the biography and some little-known aspects of the professional activity of R. E. David are discussed. The biographical study used archival materials and memoirs of employees of Saratov State University.

About the participation of university meteorologists in the Great Patriotic War and their fates

The article is devoted to meteorologists – Saratov State University staff of the Faculty of Geography, who took part in the meteorological support of the front during the Great Patriotic War.

Dedicated to the memory of Ernest Lvovich Faibusovich (to the 90th birthday)

A memoir about Faibusovich Ernest Lvovich, associate professor of the Department of Economic Geography, who worked from 1960 to 1982 at Saratov State University, is presented.
