Levitskaya Nina Grigorievna
RussiaSaratovAgricultural Research Institute for South-East Region (ARISER), laboratory of agrometeorological forecast, Str. Tulaykova, 7, Saratov, Saratov region, 410000head of laboratory of agrometeorological forecastCandidate of Agricultural Scienceskafmeteo@yandex.ru
Author's articles
- Estimation of the Present State of Agro-climatic Resources of Saratov Region
- Variability of Climatic Rates for Period of Instrumental Observations in Saratov
- Climate Changes of the Lower Volga Region on the Background of Global Warming (on the Example of Saratov)
- Influence of Extreme Displays of Climatic Changes on Efficiency of Agricultural Crops
- Changes in Annual Precipitation Structure and Soil Water Regime in the Saratov Region
- Changeability of Maximally Possible and Total Evaporation on Territory of Saratov Area in the Conditions of Changing Climate
- Research of Characteristics of Humidity Regime of Atmosphere in the Conditions of Changing Climate of Saratov Area
- Sinoptical and Agrometeorological Conditions Anomalous Weather of the Autumn-winter Season 2015-2016 Year in the Saratov Region
- The Results of Monitoring of Erosion Processes on Chernozems of the Volga Region
- Space-time Features of Formation of Droughts in the Conditions of Changing Climate Saratov Region
- Features Synoptic and Agro-meteorological Conditions of the Autumn Period in 2016 in the Lower Volga Region and their Impact on the Autumn Growing Season of Winter Crops
- Climatic Changes in Territory of the Saratov Region and Their Influence on Productivity of Agricultural Crops
- Dinamic of the snow Cover and soil Frozening in Condichions of Modern Climate Chahge at saratov as Example