
Principles and methods for studying the structure of metageosystems for designing a pilgrimage-tourist cluster

Introduction. The article characterizes the spatio-temporal structure of metageosystems of the pilgrimage-tourist cluster “Sanaksar – Temnikov”, located in the center of the Russian Plain, in the zone of interaction of forest-steppe and forest geosystems. Materials and methods. The structuring of information within the framework of the study is based on the simultaneous use of a natural sequence of involving interrelated principles: genetic, historical, systemic, territorial-structural.

Cartographic support of tourist activities (map of the weekend route “Saratov in the movie” as an example)

The article provides an overview of the main types and features of cartographic support for the needs of tourists and tourist activities. An example of a modern thematic route is presented, as well as options for the compilation and layout of a tourist booklet. The research is aimed at popularizing regional tourism and attracting the attention of guests and residents of Saratov to non-traditional cultural and educational routes.

Spatial Aspects and Principles of the Transformation of the Cultural Space of the City (on the Example of Saratov)

The spatial aspects of the formation of cultural space of the city according to the scheme «point-line-area» were examined. The main cultural line of Saratov was considered, some potential lines were revealed. The principles of formation of cultural space of the city were proposed. The role of citizens in maintaining a cultural space was examined.

The Detection of Potential Tourist Brands as an Element of the Positioning of the Territory (the Example of Saratov and the Saratov Region)

The article presents results of the opinion polls of Saratov residents to detect potential tourist brands of Saratov and the Saratov region. The most attractive symbols of the city and the region were identified based on its. Also in the article there is the positioning of the three most popular symbols. In conclusion the authors indicate the most appropriate image of Saratov and the Saratov region for their promotion on the tourist market.