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Organic Matter in the Soils of the City of Volsk (Saratov Region)

The concentrations of organic matter in the soils of Volsk (Saratov region) are determined. It was found that the concentration of organic matter varies from 0.57 to 2.34% with an average value of 1.88%. The distribution of organic matter in the background area varies from 2.03 to 2.33% with an average value of 2.25%. Thus, it can be noted that in the city of Volsk a decrease in the content of organic matter is observed in comparison with the background values.

Mobile Forms of Heavy Metals in the Soils of the Town of Volsk (Saratov Region)

The concentrations of mobile forms of heavy metals (copper, nickel, zinc, copper, lead and chromium) in the soils of the town of Volsk (Saratov region) were determined. It has been established that the concentration of heavy metals (nickel, copper, lead and zinc) exceeds the maximum permissible concentration. 94% of the selected samples are related to the permissible level of pollution, 4% to the moderate level and 2% to the dangerous level. Thus, it can be noted that the occurrence of anomalous zones with a dangerous level of pollution is observed on the territory of the town of Volsk.

Faunal Assemblage of the Maastrichtian – Paleocene Intervals of Volsk Depression

Terminal layers of carbonate rocks of Maastrichtian and lower intervals of Paleocene aleurite-pelitic formations are accessible for investigation in Krasny Oktyabr and Bolshevik quarries (Volsk Depression). In the bottom of the Paleocene accumulation of skeletons of calcareous and siliceous sponges has been confirmed, mollusk and elasmobranch assemblage has been determined. Biozonal stratification of the location section and oryctocomplex analysis have contributed to specification of the processes in succession of benthic forms at the Upper Cretaceous – Paleogene boundary.

Geological Structure and Prospects of Oil and Gas Content of Chembarsko-Petrovskaya Zone Dislocations of Ryazan- Saratov Mega-deflection

Up to the present time the territory of Ryazan-Saratov mega-deflection including dedicated to it Chembarsko-Petrovskaya zone of dislocations for oil and gas remains poorly studied by modern geological and geophysical methods of exploration and deep exploratory drilling. In this paper the characteristic of the geological structure of a complex of Paleozoic rocks and identified deposits and deposits discovered in the Devonian and Carboniferous oil and gas complexes in

Geological and Geochemical Features of the Volcanic Complexes of the Lower-Taiga Area (Northern Primorye)

The Lower Taiga area is a part of the East-Sikhote-Alin volcanicplutonic belt (ЕSAVPB), located in the transition zone of the continentocean which has a very folded geological structure. The study of the geological and geochemical composition, structure and patterns of the placement of volcanogenic-sedimentary rocks of the Lower Taiga area (LTA) will significantly complement the data on the geological and geochemical features of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic stage of the formation of the ЕSAVPB.

Hydrogeodynamic Mode of Artesian Pools and Connection with Oil Content in Sediments

Hydrogeodynamic research of oil-gas-and-water complexes of wellknown provinces allow to forecast the zones of hydrogeological opening of bowels of the earth and physical properties of oils of the expected beds.

Deep Fluid and Processes of Destruction and Fluidization in the Lithospheric Mantle

To date, the significance of geological processes induced by fluid activity in the crust and in the Earth’s lithosphere in general has been fully revealed. The role of fluid systems in the energy and matter flow transfer, as well as in the formation of the lithospheric deep modes, its lamination and decompression structures, becomes apparent in the light of current data.

Cyclostratigraphic Analysis of the Rock Magnetic Data on Maastrichtian of the Bodrak River (SW Crimea)

Measurements of mass magnetic susceptibility of 2 232 samples, collected in Takma and Chakhmakhly sections (SW Crimea, Bodrak river) through every 20 cm of thickness were conducted. The cycles, supposedly corresponding to the periods of long and short eccentricities of Earth orbit and its axis obliquity were detected by Fourier transform and wavelet analysis of obtained data. The average sedimentation rate (11.7 cm/kyr) was calculated.

Contubernium Ochevi (Porifera, Hexactinellida)

Among the Late Cretaceous Ventriculitidae, with the most simply constructed pariform skeleton, representatives characterized by unusual neoplasms were identified. On the paragastric surface after the lapel of these sponges (Contubernium), cone-shaped submodules are regularly based, the appearance of which is associated with incomplete blastogenesis. Paragastra of submodules are not associated with the atrium, therefore, Contubernium is considered as a perifrontal organism, occupying an intermediate position between single and modular forms of spongia.

New Paleontological and Stratigraphic Data on the Ryazanian Regiostage in the Oka River Sections (Central Russia)

Based on the study of cephalopods and bivalves, the paleontological characteristics of the Ryazanian (lowermost Lower Cretaceous) sections were supplemented in the stratoregion located in the Oka River Basin near Ryazan, Central Russia. The data obtained are important for the analysis of the stratigraphic position in subboreal sections of taxa known in the Arctic, and the subsequent qualitative development of the zonal level of scales for belemnites and buchias of the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary interval of the Russian Plate.

The Content of Mobile Forms of Heavy Metals in the Soils of the Botanical Garden of Saratov State University

The soil cover in the territory of the specially protected natural area «Botanical Garden of Saratov State University» is investigated. Based on the analysis of the concentration of mobile forms of heavy metals, the assessment of the current sanitary-hygienic and ecological-geochemical state of soils has been carried out. The excess of the maximum allowable concentration for nickel, copper and zinc has been established. 

Lithological and Petrophysical Modeling of Oil and Gas Reservoirs of Terigenic Deposits (on the Example of the Severo-Limanskoye oil Field)

In this article, a lithologic-petrophysical model of oil and gas bearing terigenic reservoirs of the Severo-Limanskoye oil field has been considered. Geological and geophysical characteristics of terigenic reservoirs have been determined. Lithologic-petrophysical models of reservoir of the Tula-Bobrikov sediments and the Alexin sediments of the Severo-Limanskoye oil field have been compiled. The regularity of the change in reservoir properties (porosity, effective thickness of beds) vertically and laterally in the reservoirs has been traced.

The Quality of Surface Flow from the Territory of the Town of Volsk

The quality of surface flow coming from the territory of the town of Volsk to the Volgograd reservoir is investigated. The analysis of water samples during the spring runoff maximum and summer-autumn runoff minimum showed increased concentrations of all determined indicators relative to fishery standards. In order to protect the Volgograd reservoir from pollution and to comply with town-planning and environmental regulations, it is necessary to implement a set of measures to clean domestic and surface effluents. 

Ichthyofauna from the Key Sections of the Middle and Upper Permian of Eastern Europe. Complexes and Zonal Scale. Paper 2: Basin of the Volga and the Ural Rivers

Material on ichthyofauna from the Middle and Upper Permian of Eastern Europe was revised. New fish taxa from the Permian key sections of the basin of the Volga and the Ural Rivers significantly expanded composition of the complexes. the stratigraphic and geographical distribution of fish has been traced. A more precise zonal scale of the Middle and Upper Permian of the Eastern Europe based on ichthyofauna has been proposed. 

Reliability Increase in Oil and Gas Perspective Objects Forecast on the Basis of Polarizing Filtration

This article focuses on the problem of improving seismic data reliability of seismic data during oil and gas exploration. As one of the most effective ways to solve this problem, the authors consider the application of polarization filtering. For its practical implementation it is offered to use new adaptive technology. It is characterized by high technological effectiveness, advanced capabilities to allow peculiarities of reflectors polarization and interference waves in specific seismogeological conditions.

The Relation between the Stages of Organic Matter Transformation in Coals and Mineral Components of Inter-Coalarkosesandstones (an the Example of Lena and Irkutsk Basins)

The research has first revealed the direct relation between the secondary changes in the coalinclosing rocks and the metamorphosis degrees of the coals themselves. Geochemical balance has been proved to develop within the “coal organic matter – sandstone mineral matter” system in tectonic environments providing combination of low-temperature propylitization in arkose sandstones and caustobiolith coalification ranks of G and F.

Equivalent Geoelectric Sections in the Transient Electromagnetic Method

A criterion for the equivalence of geoelectric sections in the transient electromagnetic method is formulated. It is shown that the equivalence of geoelectric sections is closely related to the simplification of multilayer conductive geoelectric media by replacing them with a small number of macroanisotropic conductive layers. An algorithm for constructing equivalent sections is proposed. Various examples of equivalent sections for various models of multilayer horizontally layered conducting media are given.

Bio-, Magneto and Cyclostratigraphy of Upper Berriasian near V. Alexeevka (Belogorskiy Region, Republic of Crimea). Article 2. Foraminifers, Ostracods, Сalpionellids, Organic-Walled Dinoflagellate Cysts

The paper presents the results of the micropaleontological study of the upper part of Sultanovka formation and Zelenogorsk formation (Berriasian) near Alekseevka village (Belogorsk area, Central Crimea). The representative assemblages of foraminifers and ostracods, as well as calpionellids and palynomorphs, are found in the Sultanovka formation.

Upper Cretaceous Calcareous Sponges of the Southeast of East European Platform

The features of areal distribution and stratigraphic confinement of calcareous spicular sponge forms in the southeast of East European Platform are considered. The skeletons of calcareous sponges essentially representatives of the genus Porosphaera are found in the carbonates of Turonian, Coniacian, Campanian and Maastrichtian, as well as at the base of siliceous formations of the Paleocene. The Maastrichtian calcareous sponges are characterized by the highest species diversity and a wide lateral extension.

The Santonian Stage in Volsk-Khvalynsk Structural Zone. Paper 1. The Research History and the Composition of Sections

The horizon enriched in glauconite and phosphorite was revealed at the carbonatic outcrops near Volsk in the Coniacian and Campanian stage deposits. The short descriptions of studying sections are presented. The spread of synchronous deposits within Khvalynsky district was traced. The Lower and Upper Santonian and the Campanian age deposits are proved by the presence of the inoceramids, belemnites and echinoides. Its vertical distribution was traced.
