Ilinskiy Egor Igorevich RussiaSaratovSaratov State University, 83, Astrakhanskaya Str., Saratov, 410012, Author's articles Integrated bio and Magnetostratigraphic Study of the ≪Ozerki Sections≫ (Upper Cretaceous, Right Bank of the Volga in the Saratov Region). Paper 1. Section Characteristics, Results of Petromagnetic and Magnetic-mineralogical Examinations Integrated Bio and Magnetostratigraphic Study of the ≪Ozerki≫ Sections (Upper Cretaceous, Right Bank of the Volga in the Saratov Region). Paper 2. Oryctocoenosis Characteristics and Biostratigraphy Upper Cretaceous Deposits and Biostratigraphy of the «Novospasskoe» Section (South-West of the Ulyanovsk Region) Faunal Assemblage of the Maastrichtian – Paleocene Intervals of Volsk Depression