
Characterization of the Natural-administrative Zoning of the Orenburg Region

The article discusses the natural-administrative zoning of the Orenburg region, a brief physico-geographical and socio-economic characteristics of the 6 zones. By using a map method compare natural-administrative zoning, with administrative-territorial division and physical-geographical zoning and agricultural zoning of the Orenburg region.

Institute of the Steppe ub Ras: Story of Formation of Modern Steppe Science

Article is devoted to history of creation of Institute of the steppe which is the only academic geographical institute in the Urals and in the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The Approaches of a Center and Periphery Determination

The article offers the typology of approaches to understanding and developing the «center-periphery» model. In general, these approaches can be divided into two groups: structural and functional approaches and the approaches based on relations between parts of the periphery of the system.

Meteorological Features During Summer 2015 in Saratov

The characteristics weather conditions and circulation processes during summer 2015 in Saratov are discussed. Their role in the formation of precipitation is estimated.

As for the Verification Long-term Weather Forecasts

This article discusses the probability of long-term weather forecasts. For example, the long-term forecast of rainfalls the possibility of using assessment techniques to forecast short-term to the assessment of the probability of long-term forecasts.

Construction the System of Maps to Support Environmental Researches of Petroleum Industry Facilities

There is an overview of actual environmental research practice and its map support in this article. The overview demonstrates peculiarities and disadvantages of ecological mappping on different stages of petroleum object life-cycle. The main disadvantage of the current practice that the setries of maps have different content and they are made in different scales. As a result we suggested a list of mandatory mas which show a minimum of necessary data about nature, technical objects, impacts.

Space-time Features of Formation of Droughts in the Conditions of Changing Climate Saratov Region

In the article the comparative analysis of repeatability of droughts of different intensity is presented in the separate interval of vegetation period on the natural zones of the Saratov area in 1951–1980 years and after 1981–2015 years. Centers of origin of droughts and their repetition on the area of coverage of the territory are shown. Agrometeorological description of the cruelest droughts is given, and consequences over of their influence are brought on gross collections of grain in the Saratov area.

Migration Activity Population of the Saratov Region’s Municipal District

This article describes intra-regional, interregional and international types of migration at the level of municipalities of the region. There are 38 municipal districts in Saratov region; the majority has both urban  and rural population. During the study it was found that intra-regional migration is mainly directed to the Saratov agglomeration, both in urban and rural areas (Saratov, Engels), Balakovo. Saratov region is attractive for migrants (mostly) from the CIS countries. Interregional migration loss is typical for the region throughout the 2000s.

Interregional Migration in Modern Russia (Territorial Dimension)

The article analyzes the migration processes in modern Russia, particularly, the distribution of migration flows within the country, both in federal district and in regional contexts. Using cluster analysis highlighted groups (clusters) of regions with the closest indicators of migration flow directions and migrants’ quality characteristics (level of education).

Types of Springs in Saratov on the Thermal and Water Regime

The article is on the daily weather data for the thirty-year period (1981–2011). The agroclimatic characterization is given on the spring season in Saratov, analyzed the average daily temperature for individual years and decades, the evaluation is given on the spring season according to the favorable on the ease of vegetation of the winter crops.
