Cite this article as:

Kargachin P. E., Kargashina M. A. Construction the System of Maps to Support Environmental Researches of Petroleum Industry Facilities. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Earth Sciences, 2016, vol. 16, iss. 4, pp. 205-209. DOI:

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Construction the System of Maps to Support Environmental Researches of Petroleum Industry Facilities


There is an overview of actual environmental research practice and its map support in this article. The overview demonstrates peculiarities and disadvantages of ecological mappping on different stages of petroleum object life-cycle. The main disadvantage of the current practice that the setries of maps have different content and they are made in different scales. As a result we suggested a list of mandatory mas which show a minimum of necessary data about nature, technical objects, impacts. By means of special graph we show how to manage maps and translate data for further researches with minimal data reduction.


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