
Dangerous Processes of Modern Geomorphogenesis in saratov Volga Region

The more dangerous processes of modern geomorphogenesis of the territory of Saratov Volga region have been considered: linear erosion, plane wash-away, deflusion, landslide and reforming of Volgograd and Saratov coast reservoirs. 

Experience of an Aesthetic Estimation of saratov’s Relief Allure

This article is devoted to problems of modern techniques of aesthetic landscapes objective appraisal. Such experience is shown according to example of Saratov. The base for an estimation are concepts «a morphological landscape» and «a morphological scenery».  

Dinamic of the snow Cover and soil Frozening in Condichions of Modern Climate Chahge at saratov as Example

On the base of daily data the dinamic of snow cover height and soil frozening depth on meteorological station Saratov Yu V for 1976–2005 period was examined. The calculated trends equations make it clear that height of snow cover and depth of soil frozening are going down. Also, the dates of snow cover formation and coming off are displaced to more earlier dates, and the beginning of soil frozening – to more late period of time. 

Use of Business Games in training of teachers of Geography

In this article the author’s three-year experience of carrying out business games applied in training of students of geographical department for extracurricular work on geography is summarized. The objectives and basic stages of carrying out business games are stated. Short methodological recommendations are given to each stage. The results of the carried out work are reviewed. 

Modern Regional Ecological Politics of Astrakhan Area

In clause strategy of nature protection activity of the state and public bodies of the Astrakhan area is considered. As the main task necessity of creation of an ecological skeleton of territory of area is put forward. Ways of the decision of the specified problem are in detail considered.

Agrometeorological Forecasts of the Quality of Winter and Spring Wheat in Saratov Region

The forecast of the spring wheat quality is represented in this work. The forecast is composed on the grounds of correlation of the amount of protein in cereal with mean monthly air temperature in June. The equation derived by the authors lets to estimate the cereal’s quality in monthly advance. The forecast of the quality of the new harvest cereal composed in advance has an important meaning in organization of cereal provision. 

Geoinformational Mapping of Medico-ecological Situation in Large industrial City (by the Example of Balakovo City)

Present paper is devoted to a problem of the analysis of medicoecological situation in large industrial city (by the example of Balakovo city of Saratov region). An object of such investigation is, first of all, the studying of correlation between pollution of the environment in the city and morbidity of citizens. In the current paper the GIS-method and some intermediate results of the analysis of medico-ecological situation in Balakovo are presented. Some features of input data processing are considered.

Influence of Spring Provision of Productive Moisture in Soil and Precipitation on Cereal’s Crop Productivity in Arid Black Earth Steppe

Analysis of many years’ data lets to determine correlation of the cereal’s crop capacity with spring provision of productive moisture in soil and the precipitations quantity in different periods of the cereal’s growth and development.

Some Results of Landscape-ecological Researches on Тerritory Hvalynsky National Park

In article modern problems of the organization of scientific work in Hvalynsky national park are stated. The program of landscapeecological researches in Park is considered. Some results of landscapegeochemical works and snow shootings in the central part of Park are proofs. Prospects of the further researches with application of GIS-technologies are studed. 

History of Formation of a Network of Particularly Protected Natural Territories (PPNT) of the Saratov Region

The history of formation of a regional network of PPNT of Saratov area is considered, in the article the periods and stages in its development are allocated, are analysed regional specifity of the approaches to organization and revealing PPNT. As a result of the carried out researches the author judges necessity of the prompt development of a network PPNT of Saratov area adequate the modern requirements, main of which – maintenance of ecological stability in region.
