урбанизированные территории

Mineral composition and pollutant content in the bed load of watercourses on the territory of the city of Volsk

The article deals with the studies of the bed load of watercourses on the territory of the city of Volsk (Saratov region). The research shows that quartz to be the most widespread rock-forming mineral. As the proportion of quartz decreases, the calcite content increases. Ecologicalgeochemical state of the bed load in spring worsens as compared to summer due to the arrival of pollutants with melting snow from the urban watershed. The bed load with a high content of pollutants should be considered as an object of accumulated environmental damage.

The Quality of Surface Flow from the Territory of the Town of Volsk

The quality of surface flow coming from the territory of the town of Volsk to the Volgograd reservoir is investigated. The analysis of water samples during the spring runoff maximum and summer-autumn runoff minimum showed increased concentrations of all determined indicators relative to fishery standards. In order to protect the Volgograd reservoir from pollution and to comply with town-planning and environmental regulations, it is necessary to implement a set of measures to clean domestic and surface effluents. 

Petromagnetic and Thermomagnetic Characteristic of Soils in the Area of ≪Oktyabrskiy≫ Landfill Waste Disposal (Saratov)

Investigations of the physical parameters (magnetic susceptibility, thermal-magnetic effect) and soil texture and soil in the area of the landfill waste disposal. Performed a preliminary assessment of technogenic pollution of soils and soil heavy metals and petroleum products.

Anthropogenous Transformation of the Geological Environment in Urbanized Areas as a Factor in the Destruction of Natural Monuments (for Example “Open-cast Zaplatinovka”)

The condition of the natural monument “open-cast Zaplatinovka” in territory of Saratov in the condition of anthropogenous loading is considered in the article. The characteristic of a cut of anthropogenous deposits is resulted, stages of transformation of s relief on a site are allocated