Cite this article as:

Sheshnev A. S., Ivanov A. V. Anthropogenous Transformation of the Geological Environment in Urbanized Areas as a Factor in the Destruction of Natural Monuments (for Example “Open-cast Zaplatinovka”). Izvestiya of Saratov University. Earth Sciences, 2012, vol. 12, iss. 1, pp. 84-88. DOI:

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[551.438.5: 351.853.2] (470.44–25)

Anthropogenous Transformation of the Geological Environment in Urbanized Areas as a Factor in the Destruction of Natural Monuments (for Example “Open-cast Zaplatinovka”)


The condition of the natural monument “open-cast Zaplatinovka” in territory of Saratov in the condition of anthropogenous loading is considered in the article. The characteristic of a cut of anthropogenous deposits is resulted, stages of transformation of s relief on a site are allocated


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