
The Content of Mobile Forms of Heavy Metals in Soils in the Territory of the Recreation Zone «Victory Park» (Saratov)

The soil cover in the territory of the large recreational zone «Victory Park», which performs environmental, memorial and educational functions, was studied. According to the analysis results of mobile forms of heavy metals concentrations the assessment of the current sanitaryhygienic and ecologic-geochemical condition of soils was carried out. An excess of the maximum permissible concentrations in most of the samples for nickel, lead, and copper was found.

The Content of Mobile Forms of Heavy Metals in the Soils of the Botanical Garden of Saratov State University

The soil cover in the territory of the specially protected natural area «Botanical Garden of Saratov State University» is investigated. Based on the analysis of the concentration of mobile forms of heavy metals, the assessment of the current sanitary-hygienic and ecological-geochemical state of soils has been carried out. The excess of the maximum allowable concentration for nickel, copper and zinc has been established. 

Mobile Forms of Heavy Metals in the Soils of the Town of Volsk (Saratov Region)

The concentrations of mobile forms of heavy metals (copper, nickel, zinc, copper, lead and chromium) in the soils of the town of Volsk (Saratov region) were determined. It has been established that the concentration of heavy metals (nickel, copper, lead and zinc) exceeds the maximum permissible concentration. 94% of the selected samples are related to the permissible level of pollution, 4% to the moderate level and 2% to the dangerous level. Thus, it can be noted that the occurrence of anomalous zones with a dangerous level of pollution is observed on the territory of the town of Volsk.

Organic Matter in the Soils of the City of Volsk (Saratov Region)

The concentrations of organic matter in the soils of Volsk (Saratov region) are determined. It was found that the concentration of organic matter varies from 0.57 to 2.34% with an average value of 1.88%. The distribution of organic matter in the background area varies from 2.03 to 2.33% with an average value of 2.25%. Thus, it can be noted that in the city of Volsk a decrease in the content of organic matter is observed in comparison with the background values.

Concentration of Mobile Forms of Heavy Metals in Soils in the Territory of Trophimovsk Oil Field (Saratov Region)

The soil cover on the territory of the Trofimov oil field located within the city of Saratov has been studied. Based on the results of analysis of concentrations of mobile forms of heavy metals, an assessment of the modern sanitary-hygienic and ecological-geochemical state of soils was performed. Significant correlations between different metals have been found. An excess of the maximum permissible concentrations for nickel and copper has been established.

The Research Results of the Physical Properties of Soil in the Village Piterka and Their Ecological Importance

The results of the study of soil in the village Piterka Saratov region. It analyzed the particle size distribution and magnetic susceptibility of soils. The results of particle size analysis can form an idea of the sorption properties of soil, and the results of measurement of the magnetic susceptibility – the transformation of the soil and brings man-made magnetic material.

The Content of Mobile Forms of Heavy Metals in a Soil Cover of the City Park of Volsk Town

The soil cover in the territory of the recreational zone «City Park» located in the central part of the Volsk town of the Saratov region is investigated. The assessment of a current sanitary and hygienic and ecological and geochemical state of soils is executed by results of the analysis of concentration of mobile forms of heavy metals. Excess of threshold limit values on nickel, copper and zinc is established.

Agro-economic Substantiation of Involving the Unusable Arable Land in Agricultural Production

An agricultural production assessment of the unused parts of the Dubkovsky municipality was carried out, identified by the results of the work on the creation of GIS of Saratov region agro-industrial complex in the 2016. In order to involve unused arable land in agricultural production, almost all areas will require land management related to the transformation of land – the conversion of low-fertility soils to arable land.

Geo-environmental Assessment of Soil Condition in the Zone of Influence Guselskogo Landfill Solid Waste of the City of Saratov

Investigations of soil in the affected area landfill solid waste. Investigated grain size, magnetic susceptibility, acid-base indicator, redox potential, the content of humus in the soil. On the basis of the data obtained in preliminary conclusions about the state of geo-environmental soil cover.