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Semi-Empirical Method for Determination of Air Relative Humidity on Results of Sun-Photometric Measurements of Precipitated Water Vapors

The paper is devoted to suggested semi-empirical method for determination of air relative humidity based on results of measurements of precipitated water vapors using sun photometers. The analysis of known Butler method make it possible to predict the presence of extremes in functional dependence of precipitated water vapors on relative humidity on the earth surface.

Research of Characteristics of Humidity Regime of Atmosphere in the Conditions of Changing Climate of Saratov Area

In the article the tendencies of change of relative humidity and deficit of humidity of air, numbers of days are shown with relative humidity of air ≤of 30% and ≥80%, number of dry and moist days, to maximal duration of dry and moist periods during the vegetation of agricultural cultures, and also monthly and annual rainfalls and number of days with the different amount of fallouts. Speed over and meaningfulness of these changes are brought in a period from 1981 to 2014 on the station Saratov South-East.