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Medvedev I. F., Levitskaya N. G., Makarov V. Z. The Results of Monitoring of Erosion Processes on Chernozems of the Volga Region. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Earth Sciences, 2016, vol. 16, iss. 3, pp. 142-146. DOI:

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The Results of Monitoring of Erosion Processes on Chernozems of the Volga Region


The article presents the results of monitoring of erosion processes on chernozems of the Volga region from 1973 to 2015. It is shown that the observed increase in winter temperatures can reduce the depth of soil freezing, increase the number of days with thaws and reduction of water reserves in the snow to the top of the snow melting. These processes improve the absorption of melt water conditions and lead to a decrease of spring runoff. In the last 30 years of flow value decreased by 3,8 times in the plowed fields, and compacted arable land – 5,7 times. Soil erosion in the spring fell by an average of 6,2 times. Storm erosion activity increased by 4.5 times. The average soil loss per hectare of crop rotation for a period of active manifestation of storm erosion (1983–2014 biennium) increased by 1,3 times.


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