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Aleksandrov E. Y. Angarsk City District – Modern Economic-Geographic Development. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Earth Sciences, 2020, vol. 20, iss. 2, pp. 86-93. DOI:

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Angarsk City District – Modern Economic-Geographic Development


The article is devoted to the modern economic and geographical development of one of the main industrial and agricultural subregions of the Irkutsk region, which transformed in the time dynamics from a large Soviet, post-Soviet industrial city of regional subordination into the modern Angarsk urban district (hereinafter AGO). The AGO structure is a «modular designer» from the city of Angarsk and the non-urban areas (the settlement of Meget, village Savateevka and Odinsk and 11 small settlements). More and more the center of AGO-Angarsk becomes the city where the powerful industrial potential and the developed micro, small and medium business, and also tourist specialization are combined, and the extra-city territories become the centers of agricultural and processing productions of municipal value. Medium and small businesses seek to develop certain sectors of the «green economy», as well as tourist and recreational potential of the study area.

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