
Characteristic of Сontinental Climate in Saratov and St. Petersburg during Global Warming

Indices of continental climate at different time intervals for Saratov and St. Petersburg are calculated. They reflect the tendency of a decrease in continentality, associated with a temperature increase in the winter seasons.

About Negative Reasons for Oncological Situation in Volga Federal District: Oncological and Geographical Analysis

The article provides the possible reasons for the relatively high cancer rates in the Volga Federal District (VFD). The promoting on oncological situation factors are given. Among of them are: low incomes, poor environmental conditions, a high per cent of elderly, bad living conditions, increasing of alcohol consumption.

Regional Features of Demographic Development of Volga Federal District (2000–2016)

The article considers modern trends in demographic development of VFD subjects, the results of positive demographic dynamics of the recent years. The regional differences in population reproduction, migration are analysed. The preservation of significant differentiation in the indicators of the population reproduction in the VFD regions is shown. The main problems of the demographic situation in the regions and possible directions for their solution are formulated.

Agroecological Monitoring of Irrigated Agro-landscapes of Saratov Zavolzhie’ South-East

The article presents results of firths’ ecological and meliorative conditions monitoring, level of vegetation cover degradation and dynamics of fodder land use within Aleksandrov Gay municipal district of Saratov region for the period from 1952. As the result of the research were detected 3 periods of meliorative development and impact on the state of land. The authors propose to improve the ecological and meliorative condition of agro-landscapes by reconstructing firths, reducing the size of longlines and reducing flooding rates.

Anomalous Cold and Anomalous Warm Winters in Saratov

В статье по ежедневным метеорологическим данным за семидесятилетний период (1941–2011 гг.) выделены аномально холодные и аномально тёплые зимы г. Саратова, анализируются средние суточные температуры за отдельные годы и по десятилетиям, дана балльная оценка зимнего сезона по степени благоприятности перезимовки озимых культур.

Model of Productivity of Spring Wheat in the Conditions of the Saratov Region

The article highlights the agrometeorological conditions, leading to the formation of high, normal and low yields of spring wheat in Saratov region. Model maximum culture organosilanes. Analysis of the influence of weather conditions on the passage of the phases of development and their impact on the productivity of spring wheat. The work was based on daily meteorological data of the station Saratov scientific research Institute of the GP for 1981–2005.

Spatial Dynamics of Development of Economy of the Saratov Region in 2010–2015

In the period 2010–2015 the various sectors of economy of the Saratov region showed multidirectional movement. This is especially true for crops and livestock. The article analyzes the spatial shifts in production of certain products of industry with the use of Herfindahl–Hirschman index.

Analysis of Urban Ecotone Classifications

The article presents an analysis of ecotone classifications in the urban environment. The study of ecotone zones is necessary to determine the boundaries of natural and anthropogenic complexes, as well as to study the mechanisms of their functioning. One of the main difficulties in studying ecotone bands is the lack of a generally accepted classification of urban ecotones.

The Stages of the Historical Development of Engels

The article present an analyses of the historical development of Engels. History of development of the city’s territory is divided into stages. In each stages identified to the main city-forming functions, features of development and results of human transformation of the natural environment

Effects of Space Factors in Surface Air Temperature Variations

The digital spectral analysis was carried out for centennial dataset of mean daily values of the surface air temperature anomalies at Basel weather station. In the power spectra of dataset peaks are found, which are associated with the influence of various terrestrial and space factors: the quasibiennialoscillation, the pole tide, luni-solar tides, the rotation of the Earth – Moon system around the barycenter, and the solar activity.
