
The results of the probabilistic correlation analysis of geological and geophysical data on the territory of the Scythian and Pre-Caspian morphological structures to assess the prospects of oil and gas-bearing areas

The article considers method application results of correlation analysis of gravitational and magnetic field data, heat flux values, data of decoding satellite images measured in the regions of the Pre-Caspian and Scythian large concentric morphological structures of the central type. As a result, using the correlation method, a complex of various geophysical fields in these regions was analyzed. Local concentric morphological structures with high values of the gravitational field and heat flow promising for the search of new oil and gas fields were identified. 

Colonial Leptophragmidae (Porifera, Hexactinellida) from the Lower Santonian of the Volga region

Study of the skeletal morphology of a new representative of the Leptophragmidae family, with no suboscula in its structure, provides support for the earlier specified regularities in generation of Hexactinellida modular forms. Good preservation state of a major colony has made it possible to specify the aspects of paleoecology and taphonomy in the later representatives of the Middle Coniacian – Early Santonian succession of siliceous sponges.

The biogenic componentof theMiddle Turonian phosphorite horizonfrom the Senomanskaya Stenka section. Paper 2. Biostratinomical analysis

The paper presents biostratinomical characteristics of the Cenomanian and the Turonian fossil complexes found in the Middle Turonian phosphorite horizon from the Senomanskaya Stenka section (Volgograd region, Zhirnovsk district) constituting the basis of the benthic colonies and nekton communities. Probable interpretations for the settings contributory to generation of the phosphorite inclusion clusters are provided.

Paleogene quartz sandstones of the Sosnovka Formation of the Uljanovsk-Syzran Volga region (Eastern Russian Platform): Mineral composition and origin

The Paleogene quartz sandstones of the Sosnovka formation are widely occurred in the Uljanovsk-Syzran Volga region and are used as valuable building materials. The article comprises an improvement for the continental origin of the Sosnovka sandstones based on the results of a comprehensive study of the features of the mineral composition and microstructure of quartz sandstones of the Sosnovka formation obtained by using petrographic, XRD and electron-microscopic analyses.

Representatives of the subfamily Cheloniceratinae Spath, 1923 (Ammonoidea)from the Aptian of Mangyshlak, Western and Southern Turkmenistan. Paper 2. The Genus Epicheloniceras Casey, 1954

The representatives ofthe genusEpicheloniceras Casey, 1954fromthe Middle Aptian of Mangyshlak, Western and Southern Turkmenistan are described.

The biogenic component of the Middle Turonian phosphorite horizon from the Senomanskaya Stenka section. Paper 1. Materials and paleoecological analysis

The paper analyzes the taxonomic composition and the habitat of the representatives of the Middle – Late Cenomanian and the Middle Turonian marine biota. The examined fossils have been isolated from the bulk sample obtained from the phosphorite horizon lying in the bottom of the Middle Turonian carbonate rocks in the Senomanskaya Stenka section (Volgograd Region, Zhirnovsk district). 

On the question of the geological nature of the crystalline basement inhomogeneities of the East European Platform

Based on the analysis of gravitational and magnetic anomalies of the eastern part of the East European Platform, it is concluded that inhomogeneities caused by serpentinization processes are present in the Earth’s crust. This conclusion is confirmed by conducting geological and geophysical studies on reference objects with serpentinite outcrops.

Multi-feature petrophysical classification of rocks as a basis for interpretation of geophysical data

The work is carried out approbation of the algorithm for the complex interpretation of geophysical data using data classification algorithm. Distributions by class are obtained and compared with petrophysical materials from published sources. This data is compared and geological composition of the studied area is obtained. The applicability of this approach for the integrated interpretation of geophysical data is shown, including low-level studied areas with a complex geological structure.

Representatives of the Subfamily Cheloniceratinae Spath, 1923 (Ammonoidea)from the Aptian of Mangyshlak, Western and Southern Turkmenistan. Paper 1. General Issues. The Genus Cheloniceras Hyatt, 1900

The article presents the study results of the ammonite subfamily Cheloniceratinae Spath, 1923 representatives (genera Cheloniceras Hyatt, 1900 and Epicheloniceras Casey, 1954) fromthe Lower and Middle Aptian of Mangyshlak, Western and Southern Turkmenistan. The diversity and stratigraphic distribution of species is assessed, intraspecific variability is identified and typified. Representatives of the genus Cheloniceras are described.

Deep meridional structures of the East-European platform

Using a complex of remote and surface geophysical methods in the eastern part of the East European Platform, regional meridional heterogeneities were revealed; it is shown that these heterogeneities can be caused by low-density and magnetically active rocks in the crystalline crust and mantle. The totality of geological and geophysical data indicates the relationship of meridional heterogeneities with transcontinental deep faults.
