Cite this article as:
Polkovoi K. S. Representatives of the subfamily Cheloniceratinae Spath, 1923 (Ammonoidea)from the Aptian of Mangyshlak, Western and Southern Turkmenistan. Paper 2. The Genus Epicheloniceras Casey, 1954. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Earth Sciences, 2022, vol. 22, iss. 4, pp. 283-294. DOI:
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Representatives of the subfamily Cheloniceratinae Spath, 1923 (Ammonoidea)from the Aptian of Mangyshlak, Western and Southern Turkmenistan. Paper 2. The Genus Epicheloniceras Casey, 1954
The representatives ofthe genusEpicheloniceras Casey, 1954fromthe Middle Aptian of Mangyshlak, Western and Southern Turkmenistan are described.
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