
Anomalous Cold and Anomalous Warm Winters in Saratov

В статье по ежедневным метеорологическим данным за семидесятилетний период (1941–2011 гг.) выделены аномально холодные и аномально тёплые зимы г. Саратова, анализируются средние суточные температуры за отдельные годы и по десятилетиям, дана балльная оценка зимнего сезона по степени благоприятности перезимовки озимых культур.

Agroclimatic Characterization of the Winter Season in Saratov

The article is on the daily weather data for the seventy-year period (1941–2011). The agroclimatic characterization is given on the winter season in Saratov, analyzed the average daily temperature for individual years and decades, the evaluation is given on the winter season according to the favorable wintering of the winter crops.

The Impact of Global Warming on Wintering of the Winter Crops

The article is on the daily weather data for the seventy-year period (1941–2010 гг.). The evaluation is given on the winter season according to the rate of the favorable wintering of the winter crops. The analysis showed that the wintering period has shortened over the period of the last three decades and the percentage of loss of winter crops has decreased