wind speed

On the manifestations of climate change in the wind regime in the territory of Syunik marz (Armenia)

The manifestations of climate change in the regularities of the wind regime in the territory of Syunik marz of Armenia are considered. Monthly wind data for the period 1966–2018 of six weather stations were used as a source material. It was found that at all meteostations, except for Kapan, currently operating in the territory of Syunik marz there is a tendency towards a decrease in wind speed for 1966–2018. The number of cases of wind directions and calmness also fluctuates, due to climate changes, which are presented in the work on the example of the Goris weather station.

On the Issue of Wind Speed Approximation by Viebulla– Gudrich Law on the South-West of European Part of Russian Federation

Different methods of characteristic Viebulla-Gudrich distribution estimation for wind speed leveling on the south-west of European part of Russian Federation are considered. For this purpose is recommended to use moments methods and least-squares method, that minimized the volume of calculating works. Distribution characteristics estimated by these methods allow identifying wind speed conditions, mean values and measures of variability on the south-west of European part of Russian Federation. 

Analysis of Different Distribution Laws Using for Wind Speed Leveling on the South-West of European Part of Russian Federation

Statistical analysis of the most popular and often used laws of distribution, that used for probability estimation of various wind speed: Puasson, normal, longnormal and Viebulla-Gudrich laws with application of Pirson and Kolmogorov criteria was carried out. This law is recommended to use for wind conditions mathematical description for on the south-west of european part of Russian Federation. 

Wind Energy Potential at Different Altitudes of the Surface Atmospheric Layer in the South-east of European Russia

Implemented the original methodology of assessment of the wind energy capacity at different altitudes of the surface layer of the atmosphere from the ground-based data. Maps of geographical distribution of average annual complete the cube of the wind speed in the South-East of European Russia. Analysis of its spatial changes in the region