Study of Neotectonic Fissuring in Connection with a Substantiation of Ecological Safety of Sokolovogorsky Burial Ground Disposal of Industrial Drains

Study of Neotectonic Fissuring in Connection with a Substantiation of Ecological Safety of Sokolovogorsky Burial Ground Disposal of Industrial Drains

Passing waters received at improvement of Sokolovogorsky oil and gas field is subject of injection in the Paleozoic carbon-bearing collector. Digital geological model of the burial reservoir has been created to prove size of sanitary protection zones (ZSP) by the collective of NVNIIGG. This allowed carrying out hydrodynamic modeling and defining of parameters of spreading zone. Taking into account anisotropic properties of the reservoir, experts of chair of engineering geology and hydrogeology of the Saratov state university were involved in the project.