section stratification

Synsedimentation Hydrothermal Processes as Event Indicators for Interregional Correlations of Triassic Sequences

Event stratification of the sections constitutes an investigation trend aimed at detailed interregional correlation of sedimentary sequences. Based on extensive factual material, the authors have revealed the most significant changes in the Middle Triassic sedimentary and volcanogenic-sedimentary bodies. The entire Middle Triassic is peculiar for manifestations of hydrothermal-metasomatic processes within terrigenous, biogenic, volcanogenic bodies and bodies of mixed origins.

Triassic Beds from the Pricaspian Depression (Lithology‑S tratigraphy Study)

Lithologies were examined of the cores from the deep wells that have penetrated the entire section of the Triassic system in the Pricaspian Depression; material compositions and accumulation peculiarities of the Triassic sequences have been revealed. Certain events have been found comparable to those in the North Germanic Depression.