
The current state of dust content in the atmospheric air of Yerevan

This article discusses the state of atmospheric air. Based on the results of the analysis, an assessment of its pollution levels in the city of Yerevan was carried out. It is shown that the concentration of dust in the atmospheric air has a well-defined annual course. The maximum values of dust concentration are typical for the warm period of the year. The greatest proportion of air pollution is observed in the administrative district of Kentron, the excess of dust content in relation to MPC. 

Pollution of the Territory of the Pribaikalsky National Park by Emissions from Forest Fires

The aim of the work is to assess the contribution of emissions from forest fires to air pollution using the example of the territory of the Pribaikalsky National park. To achieve this goal, calculations of gross emissions were carried out based on forestry data on fires. With the help of the program complex «Ecologist» calculations of concentrations of impurities emitted into the atmosphere during forest fires were carried out. Based on the results of the calculations, maps of the concentrations of pollutants released into the atmosphere from fires were created.