
Cyclostratigraphic Analysis of the Rock Magnetic Data on Maastrichtian of the Bodrak River (SW Crimea)

Measurements of mass magnetic susceptibility of 2 232 samples, collected in Takma and Chakhmakhly sections (SW Crimea, Bodrak river) through every 20 cm of thickness were conducted. The cycles, supposedly corresponding to the periods of long and short eccentricities of Earth orbit and its axis obliquity were detected by Fourier transform and wavelet analysis of obtained data. The average sedimentation rate (11.7 cm/kyr) was calculated.

First Magnetostratigraphic Data on the Maastrihtian of Mountain Crimea (Bakhchysarai Region)

The representative data about magnetic susceptibility, its anisotropy before and after heating up to 500°C and other petromagnetic characteristics were received on two sections of carbonate sediments of Maastrihtian – Chahmahly and Takma, located in Bakhchysarai region of the Republic of Crimea. In the studied sections there were established the magnetozones of normal and anomalous polarity, the comparison of determined zones with Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale was conducted.