grain size

The Research Results of the Physical Properties of Soil in the Village Piterka and Their Ecological Importance

The results of the study of soil in the village Piterka Saratov region. It analyzed the particle size distribution and magnetic susceptibility of soils. The results of particle size analysis can form an idea of the sorption properties of soil, and the results of measurement of the magnetic susceptibility – the transformation of the soil and brings man-made magnetic material.

Geo-environmental Assessment of Soil Condition in the Zone of Influence Guselskogo Landfill Solid Waste of the City of Saratov

Investigations of soil in the affected area landfill solid waste. Investigated grain size, magnetic susceptibility, acid-base indicator, redox potential, the content of humus in the soil. On the basis of the data obtained in preliminary conclusions about the state of geo-environmental soil cover.