демографическая ситуация

Some Aspects of present-day demographical Situation in Saratov Region

The studies of the demographic structure of the population, the characteristics of migration, the intraregional differences in the demographic situation, consideration of socio-economic ranking of the region give the grounds to draw a conclusion about the inevitability of the further process of depopulation in the region, the deterioration of the «quality» of the population. 

Concept of Demographic Policy-2025 and Demographic Situation in the Volga Federal District

The article describes preliminary results of the second phase of the Demographic Policy Convention of the Russian Federation for the period until 2025. The demographic situation of 2010–2015 is considered on the example of the Volga Federal District. Particular attention is paid to changes in the demographic situation in the Saratov region. The article highlights the positive changes that have occurred in 2010–2015. The article formulates aims for the third phase – 2016–2025.

The Tendencies of the Modern Territorial Organization of the Rural Population in Saratov Region

In the article we have analyzed resettlement of the rural population, the changes that had occurred in population size in the settlements in question, peculiarity of migration, and the demographic diversity within different regions. Based on the analysis the conclusion can be drown that the system of the rural settlements is a subject of great change. According to the upcoming change the population will be concentrated in big settlements and along the thoroughfares. Rural conglomeration will face a considerable development.