
Recent Studies of Geodynamics Along Nile Delta (Northern Part of Egypt)

The Nile Delta occupies the extreme northern part of the Nile Valley in Egypt. It is located in the tectonically unstable shelf of the northern Africa and Mediterranean or the mobile belt which is marked by a complex subsurface structural framework. The present study aims to determine the recent crystal movement parameters along the Nile Delta using the Global Positioning System (GPS) measurements. To achieve this mission, a GPS network consisting of thirteen geodetic stations has been established along the Nile Delta area.

The Possible Scenario for Climate Change on the Egyptian Nile Delta

It is known that climate change has an effect on many Deltas all over the world. Egyptian Nile Delta, one of the most dangerous places which may be suffered from risks of climate change. In the current work, an attempt to study the effect of climate change on the Nile Delta has been discussed.