
Ichthyofauna from the Key Sections of the Middle and Upper Permian of Eastern Europe. Complexes and Zonal Scale. Paper 2: Basin of the Volga and the Ural Rivers

Material on ichthyofauna from the Middle and Upper Permian of Eastern Europe was revised. New fish taxa from the Permian key sections of the basin of the Volga and the Ural Rivers significantly expanded composition of the complexes. the stratigraphic and geographical distribution of fish has been traced. A more precise zonal scale of the Middle and Upper Permian of the Eastern Europe based on ichthyofauna has been proposed. 

Ichthyofauna from the Key Sections of the Middle and Upper Permian of Eastern Europe: Complexes and Zonal Scale. Paper 1: Basin of the Severnaya Dvina River

The paper presents new material on ichthyofauna from the key section of the Middle and Upper Permian of the Severnaya Dvina River. Stratigraphic distributions of fish taxa are traced back and significant changes to the fish complexes are proposed. A modified paleoichthyological zonal scheme of the region is proposed as a result.