Cite this article as:

Danilov V. A., Fedorov A. V., Bezvershenko L. S. The Comparison of the Methods of Photogrammetry and Laser Scanning for the Establishment of Three-Dimensional Models of Objects and Territories of Archeological GIS (on the Example of the Archeological Excavation of Uvek Hillfort). Izvestiya of Saratov University. Earth Sciences, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 2, pp. 72-78. DOI:

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The Comparison of the Methods of Photogrammetry and Laser Scanning for the Establishment of Three-Dimensional Models of Objects and Territories of Archeological GIS (on the Example of the Archeological Excavation of Uvek Hillfort)


Currently, methods of photogrammetry and laser scanning are available for a wide range of users and have been used to solve various application tasks. One of the most popular and main areas of application of these technologies is creating 3D models of objects and territories. The authors of the article, based on the results of a study of the territory of the Uvek hillfort, carried out the construction of 3D models of archaeological excavation site of 2017 using photogrammetry and laser scanning to create archaeological GIS. The authors compared created models by different criteria and evaluated the prospects of usage of these methods in archeology.


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