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Goncharenko O. P., Astarkin S. V., Dzhoni S. N. Reconstruction of the Late Vasyuganian Sedimentation Settings Within the Middle of Group of Fields. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Earth Sciences, 2015, vol. 15, iss. 3, pp. 33-37. DOI:

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Reconstruction of the Late Vasyuganian Sedimentation Settings Within the Middle of Group of Fields


The paper deals with the results of complex lithology-facies examination of the UV1 1 layer within the Middle Ob group of fields. It is found that in the area under investigation, the layer was formed in the littoral-marine and shallow-water marine conditions under the effect of waves and currents. A paleogeographic chart has been constructed for the period of the UV1 1 layer generation in the Vasyuganian formation; forecast has been made as to the development of improved reservoir rocks.


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