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Bogdanov M. B., Fedorenko A. V. Periodical Changes in the Atmospheric Pressure, Caused by the Influence of the Space Factors . Izvestiya of Saratov University. Earth Sciences, 2009, vol. 9, iss. 1, pp. 15-20. DOI:
Periodical Changes in the Atmospheric Pressure, Caused by the Influence of the Space Factors
We carried out the analysis of the power spectrum of the time series of the daily values of the atmospheric pressure measured in high-level Alpine station Jungfraujoch in the time interval from 1968 through 1992. In the power spectrum are discovered the harmonic of polar tide, caused by the Earth’s pole motion, two harmonics of luni-solar tide, the harmonic with the period of synodic month, connected with a change in the insolation during the motion of system the Earth – Moon around the common center of masses, and also two harmonics revealed in changes in the interplanetary magnetic field, whose existence is explained by the features of the solar dynamo mechanism.
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