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Minikh A. V., Andrushkevich S. O. New data on the Late Permian actinopterygian fish Toyemia Minich, a zonal genus of the Permian biostratigraphic scheme based on ichthyofauna from the Eastern Europe. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Earth Sciences, 2022, vol. 22, iss. 3, pp. 178-184. DOI:

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New data on the Late Permian actinopterygian fish Toyemia Minich, a zonal genus of the Permian biostratigraphic scheme based on ichthyofauna from the Eastern Europe


The structure of the actinopterygian fish genus and speciesToyemia tverdochlebovi Minich has been completed for the first time using a previously unknown complete skeleton and skeletal fragments from Late Permian localities of Eastern Europe. The structure of a head which so far remained unknown in the genus is described. The dorsal fin location far from the head near the caudal region was confirmed as expressed earlier by the taxon’s author.

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