Cite this article as:

Pryakhina S. I., Fridman Y. N., Vasilieva M. Y. Monitoring of Сlimate in Saratov Кegion . Izvestiya of Saratov University. Earth Sciences, 2006, vol. 6, iss. 1, pp. 15-18. DOI:

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Monitoring of Сlimate in Saratov Кegion


In the present article the authors give substantiation of agroclimatic resources and description of such unique climatic phenomena as zoning and seasonality. Monitoring of meteorological elements for the period of 50-70 years forms the essence of characteristics of Saratov region climate, average temperature characteristics have been calculated for the period of more than 100 years.


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2. Пряхина С.И. Климатическая характеристика сезонов. Климат Саратова. Л., 1987. С.91–102. 

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