Cite this article as:

Pryakhina S. I., Guzhova E. I. Growing Conditions of Winter Crops in Autumn and Their Status to the Time Discontinued Vegetation in Saratov Region. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Earth Sciences, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 2, pp. 27-30. DOI:

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Growing Conditions of Winter Crops in Autumn and Their Status to the Time Discontinued Vegetation in Saratov Region


On daily weather data for the 30-year period (1981–2011 years) st. Saratov South-East considered agrometeorological growing conditions of winter crops. The optimum sowing date and the temperature crosses 10оC, 5оC and 0оC. Analysis of the data showed that global warming shifted the date of transition temperature to a later date, which is important for growing crops. According to favorable autumn growing season were given numerical score of the fall season


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