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Moskovsky G. A., Svidzinskiy S. A., Petrik A. I. Environment of Halogen Rock Formation in the Region of the Gremyachinskoye Sylvinite Field. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Earth Sciences, 2008, vol. 8, iss. 1, pp. 75-85. DOI:
Environment of Halogen Rock Formation in the Region of the Gremyachinskoye Sylvinite Field
The Gremyachinskoye sylvinite field lies in the south of the Volga monocline, to the northeast of the Severo-Kotelnikovskij overthrust. Halogen beds from the field were examined. The study has provided grounds for correlating the field potassium-bearing horizon with the Pogozhskaya rhythmic member from the Volga monocline. The halogen bed formation was influenced by the principal water area of the salt-generating basin in the east and by the calcium chloride brines discharged along the disjunctive dislocations limiting the overthrust zone. The middle part of the halogen section is greatly affected by the post-sedimentation deformations in the salt-bearing section intervals. Three sylvinite varieties occur in the field: a) red, orange and mottled; b) milk-white and pink; c) milk-white spathic, recrystallized. Red sylvite was mostly crystallized from carnallite dissolution brine. The sylvinite structure there is peculiar for the lack of typical sedimentation seasonal rhythms.
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