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Sivokhip Z. T. Analysis of the Factors of Spatial Transformation of Ground Land Use in the Trans-Boundary Basin of the Ural River. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Earth Sciences, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 4, pp. 248-254. DOI:

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Analysis of the Factors of Spatial Transformation of Ground Land Use in the Trans-Boundary Basin of the Ural River


Trans-boundary basin of the river Ural is one of the key agrarian-industrial regions of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan, the catchment part of which is located mainly within the steppe zone. Despite the large-scale industrial development of the basin of the river Ural, region retains its agricultural specialization, which reflects the zonal specificity of steppe landscapes and belongs to the sectors of the background nature management. The agrarian nature management of the Ural river basin is characterized by a long period of synchronized development, especially within the frontier steppe areas. The dominance of socio-economic factors, without taking into account the natural-zonal specifics, led to the activation of degradation processes in the natural ecosystems of the trans-boundary basin.


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