
Cartographic Approach to Projecting of Ecological Monitoring Network on the Oil-and-Gas Sector

The construction and operation of industrial objects of oil and gas branch cause negative influence on environment. It could be minimized under condition of a well-organized system of ecological monitoring and acceptances of corresponding preventive works. In a view of optimization and also for increase of efficiency of ecological monitoring there are necessary the well-founded choice of points of prospective works.

Gumanitarian Geographical Researches in the saratov Region

In article experience of the gumanitarian geographical researches spent during projects on cultural designing of territories of local and regional scale is shined. The original technique of field studying of the historical environment is resulted, application of GIS-technologies in modeling of a cultural-symbolical landscape is considered

Estimation of Atmospheric Parameters and their Effects on Aircraft Flight using GIS-T echnology

At echelons of airplane lying in the upper troposphere and low stratosphere, air temperature varies sharply, which affects the speed of airplane, fuel consumption and height of the airplane ceiling. The paper presents calculations of these characteristics of the aircraft depending on the temperature on the routes crossing of cyclones and anticyclones

Dynamic of Snow-Geochemical Anomalies in the Saratov City Territory (over a Period of 1992–2010)

The article shows results of snow-geochemical survey in Saratov city territory in 1992, 1994, 1997 and at the beginning of 2000th, that was made by the staff of geographical and geological faculties of Saratov State University. The research revealed essential area decrease of snow cover pollution of industrial emission at the beginning of 2000th   as compared with 1990th. Abrupt snow pollution increase along the transport mains and around the large working enterprises

Climatic‑Information Technology of Wind‑Energetic Tasks Solving

Theoretic basis of all-purposes climatic-information technology estimation of potential and utilize wind-energetic resources and windenergetic plant service conditions are developed. Acceptable error of wind-energetic characteristics spatial renewal, wide range of facilities, usability and other qualities of this technology are conclusive proof for its application in stage of preproject development

Impact Agrometeorological Factors on the Formation of Productivity and Quality Early Grain and Winter Crops for Stations on the Saratov Region

The forecast of the spring wheat quality is represented in this work summer wheat, barley, oat and winter wheat. The forecast is composed on the grounds of correlation of the amount of protein in cereal with monthly air temperature in June. The education derived by the authors lets to estimate the cereals quality in monthly advance. The forecast of the new harvest cereal composed in advance has an important meaning in organisation of cereal provision

Landscape Structure Transformation of Volga flood Plain at Saratov Area

Structure of Volga flood plain landscape at Saratov area before Volgograd storage pound building is defined in the article. Changes in flood plain geosystems after regulated river are considered, directions of modern landscape generating processes against the background of large-scale anthropogenic transformation are detected

Spatial and Temporal Organization of Relief and of a Relief Forming Processes Around the City of Saratov

Unique features of relief of the territory of Saratov are considered in this article. The characteristic of the spatial connection of identified system of block morphostructures is given. The assumptions about the main relief forming factors are made, assessments of the development intensity of geologo‑geomorphological processes and connection of natural‑technogenic phenomena with them is given

Features of the Circulation Processes in the Lower Volga Region in Winter

There are considered the basic weather- and climate forcing of synoptic processes in the Lower Volga region. Below shows the dynamics of their changes on a background of global climate trends. It is shown that the cold temperature of the winter months is formed under the influence of the arctic anticyclone. Of the cyclones on the arctic front and of the cyclones on the polar front are formed warmer winter weather conditions

Saratov Privolzhie: Landscape Structure and Modern Geoecological State

The article represents concept definition of “Saratov Privolzhie” as a geotoria 60 km wide and including right and left Volga bank territories and Volgograd and Saratov storage pounds water area. This is the most economic completed but also recreation important part of Saratov region. Landscape structure of Saratov right bank of Privolzhie  (Predvolzhie) is considered up to the level of landscape locality. The most typical landscape processes and qualitative assessment of geoecological conditions in each of all four landscape localities are detected
