
Hydrothermal Lithogenesis and Its Role in Riftogenic-Sedimentary Oil and Gas-Bearing Platform Complex Formation

Thorough lithologic investigations were used as the basis to demonstrate integration of the epigenetic transformations in the rocks from the transitional complex and the mantle of the West Siberian Plate in the process of tectono-hydrothermal activation.

Complex Application of Geophysical Methods at Various Stages Oil and Gas Search Works

In the article practice complex methods is considered at working off of regional geophysical profiles, the necessity rational complex geophysical and geochemical methods for the purpose of direct forecasting of oil and gas deposits is proved and the model of joint interpretation of the received data is offered

The Gas Poles in Conjunction Zones of the Large Geostructural Blocks of Complex Structure in the South-Eastern Part of the Russian Platform (within the Regional Uvarovo-Svobodniy Track, Saratov Region)

The article considers the features of the gasometric survey and seismic exploring results on the regional geophysic profile in territory of the large geostructual blocks on south-eastern part of Russian platform: Voronezh anticlise, Rjazano-Saratov’s deflection and Zhiguljov-Pugachov deflection. It selected testes of gas from 2m depth there are metan, its gomologes, hydrogen, gelium. In gas anomalies the fractured tectonic and geostructured elements reflected. Its presents the oil-gas prospecting interest.

On the Role of the Salting-out Processes at the Final Stages of Halogenesis (the Case of the Gremyachinskoye Potassium-Salt Field)

Investigation of the ≪productive≫ intervals in the Gremyachinskoye potassium-salt field shows the potassium and potassium-magnesium salt settling to have been accompanied with large-scale salting out of sodium chloride due to interaction of highly concentrated solutions from that part of the salt-generating basin with the low concentrated ones. The constantly arriving low concentrated brine was peculiar for high contents of sodium chloride. That has resulted in large-scale salting-out of halite as lenses, crusts and randomly shaped clusters.

On the Regional Prepermian Unconformity in the Sections from the edge Zones of the Pricaspian Depression

Factual data has been analyzed on the unconformities at the Carboniferous-Permian boundary in the sections from the edge and the inner by-edge zones of the Pricaspian Depression; varieties of opinions on the unconformity formation mechanisms have been analyzed, as well.

Analytical solutions of three-dimensional geoelectric problems

A method for obtaining analytical solutions of Maxwell equations is proposed for stationary and alternating electromagnetic fields. In contrast to traditional methods of finding the analytical solutions, based on the solution of direct problems of electrical prospecting, this method uses a specially posed inverse problem. A package of new analytical solutions of three-dimensional problems of electrical prospecting is designed

Features of the Clayey Matter from the Late Triassic and Jurassic Basins of the Pricaspian Region

Examinations of the Late Triassic and Jurassic gray clay sections in the Pricaspian region frequently lead to incorrect conclusions on their monotony. Laborious methods are needed to divide such sequences. Investigations of their material compositions make it possible to reveal the features associated with the source-area landscape evolution and sedimentation.

The Late Cretaceous Deposits of Potassium Soils at the Gremyachinsk Field

The authors consider the compound of the late cretaceous deposits opened up in the bore hole number 13, 62 at the Gremyachinsk field of the potassium soils in the Volgograd region. According to the sediment basins evolution from the epicontinental basins (cenoman, turon-cognacian) to the subpelagic basins (cenonian) the lithotipe which form in the late cretaceous level the regular repeated layers of the terrigenous, carbonate, argillaceous-siliceous deposits are characterized

The Late Cretaceous Lithofacies of the Bottom Volga Region

The distinctions of the late cretaceous lithofacies are considered. The genetic groups are marked. These groups conform to the different zones of the sea basin starting from littoral zones with an active hydrodynamics up to the abyssal zones and the areas of the depressions. The inharting of monotyped facial zones of different time levels is established. Three facial regions which are following each other in space are established

Autonomous Forms of the Late Cretaceous Modular Hexactinellids (Porifera)

In morphogenesis of the Late Cretaceous skeletal sponges – hexactinellids – certain tendencies may be traced that allow to distinguish forms of diverse levels of modular organization (≪polyoscula≫ sponges) among the unitary representatives of the group. Skeletons of the sponges from the primary level of modular forms, autonomies, represent an example of the initial module polymerization, with the principal polymerization mechanism involving diverse variants of gemmation and/or fission
