
Developmental History of Emanation Method and Their Role in Oil Geology at the Present Stage

The key insights in the history emanation method development for search and investigation of minerals are examine, the radiometric methods applied at the present stage for research oil and gas deposits
are quoted, generalization of results emanation survey lead within ore and oil deposits is made, application of the given methods for search and investigation of minerals is proved.

Stratigraphic Significance of Gastropod and Improving of Local Stratigraphic Scheme of Sarmatian Deposits of Moldavian Transnistria and Neighboring Areas

In the article it is argued the use of gastropod for stratigraphic subdivisions of Sarmatian deposition. Reasonably allocated typical stratigraphic complexes gastropods for individual horizons sarmatian of Moldavian Transnistria and neighboring areas. Stratigraphy of the sarmatian scheme within the area contains additional, proposed by the author, stratigraphic units in the rank of «layers with gastropod fauna».
