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Saltykov V. F. Earth’s Response to Orbital Excitation and Hierarchy of Climatic Events and Rock Cyclites Over the Recent Time. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Earth Sciences, 2011, vol. 11, iss. 1, pp. 57-69. DOI:

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Earth’s Response to Orbital Excitation and Hierarchy of Climatic Events and Rock Cyclites Over the Recent Time


Analysis of the published material has made it possible to show the cyclic variations of the earth’s response to be practically coincident with the orbit parameter fluctuations, when the time lag of 5–6 thousand years is considered. In the earth’s response, however, periodicity changes are more complicated due to resonance phenomena and to numerous feedbacks in the system responsible for additional period occurrences. The course of the earth’s processes passes the bifurcation point with changes in the development amplitudes, rates and directions, which are reflected in sedimentogenesis cyclicity both, in the ocean and on the continent. Such approach allows to present an updated hierarchy of climatic events and rock cyclites. A version of General chronostratigraphic scale is proposed for the Pleistocene, with paleomagnetic and oxygen-isotope data presented

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